Turning 100: More thoughts on the possibilities of living longer
Last week, we identified several changes and predictions that support living to be 100 described by Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott in...
Turning 100: What living longer means to an aging population
Q. I recently have read a lot about living to be 100. It seems that it’s close to becoming a reality. It sounds good but I have some...
Does having a pet help those with Alzheimer’s disease? Let’s take a look
Q. My wife is in the mid-stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, her memory continues to decline and she slowly is becoming...
Successful Aging: In your 80s and still working? You aren’t alone
Q. I am an 80-year-old financial consultant and continue to work. Fortunately, my clients are pleased with my services. I am curious, are...
Successful Aging: Why acts of kindness help us all
This week’s column focuses on one word: Kindness. I had the opportunity to co-facilitate several discussion groups with mid-to-later-life...