Successful Aging: Are aches and pains just part of getting older?
Q. As I lie here on the floor exercising due to an attack of very painful sciatica, I am fuming that my daughter-in-law says I should...
Successful Aging: How these lifestyle changes can influence how you age
Dear readers, This week’s column is a continuation of an interview I did for the radio show, “Living to 100 Club,” designed to help older...
Successful Aging: Why acting your age may not be all it’s cracked up to be
I am a 75-year old woman who fortunately has the opportunity to continue working. Being self-employed helps. I am not always available to...
Successful Aging: So what exactly should an 81-year-old person sound like?
I had a phone conversation with a hospital receptionist to schedule an appointment for some lab work. I told her I did not want to drive...
Successful aging: Let’s drop the old term ‘elderly’ and start using ‘elder’ for a new perspective
I recently had a conversation with a friend whose parents were retiring to Arizona. She referred to them as elderly. I asked their age....
Want to hear something funny? Laughter is beneficial for good health
Dear readers, It is time for some levity. Today’s column is about laughter and how it can help us manage these challenging times – both...