Successful Aging: Phone scams call on us to be more diligent about fraud directed at older Americans
Q: Someone called my mom claiming to be my son; he was crying and said he had a broken nose. The story was that he was in Las Vegas for a...

Successful Aging: Getting a sense when hygiene issues have deeper causes
Q My parents are in their 80s and lack good personal hygiene. My mother has been diagnosed with early onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Even...

Successful Aging: It all depends on how you look at the greatness of 80
Q I am 79 years old and soon will be celebrating my 80th birthday. Although I am grateful to have lived this long I feel so different...
Steps to jump-start your energy level
Dear Readers: Last week’s column addressed the relationship between aging and having less energy. The topic emerged from conversations...

Successful Aging: How to celebrate National Senior Citizens Day
August is a month with several days designated for celebration. Aug. 11 is National Raspberry Tart Day; the 13th is International...

Retirement is just a new opportunity
Last week, L.S., who loved her work and achieved national recognition is struggling with the loss of identity in her retirement. Teaching...